Free may be the most use and most wanted word in our daily life. We all love free things and cyber criminals use this weakness to fulfill their own purpose. Free not only means freeware; we have a tend to use warez and torrent site to get pirated content. There are two purpose of this, one is saving money and another is trying the product before going to buy it.
Apart from warez and torrent site we also use another tool 'p2p software' like lemon share or so. All these download habit have a common thing that is security vulnerability. I'm using internet over a year and I tested so many tool and site to get full version tools for test purpose. I spend sometime today too, to find out how this thing actually expose our security. I download a small software from torrent site and when I scan it I found win32 Trojan, now again I download a file from well known warez site and I get a good return in the name of Koobface trojan horse. However, it is very small thing in respect of p2p software uses. I use lemon share to check p2p and I not able to find a single .exe file which don't encrypt with a virus or trojan.
So all those things bring one conclusion buy original software or else download freeware alternative from original source or from reputed source. If you love freeware then I recommend Softpedia and Cnet Download.
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