Though the Mariposa botnet heads are captured but it now found it's new reputed home and it's non other than one of the most recognized telecom service provider Vodafone. According to a news served by Panda Research Blog - a brand new Vodafone HTC Magic with Google's Android OS cost merely 0€ or 1€ under certain conditions comes with the notorious botnet Mariposa.

Here is a clip from that article:

The interesting thing is that when she plugged the phone to her PC via USB her Panda Cloud Antivirus went off, detecting both an autorun.inf and autorun.exe as malicious. A quick look into the phone quickly revealed it was infected and spreading the infection to any and all PCs that the phone would be plugged into.

So, what you think? Does big brand care about user interest? Vodafone obviously won't take responsibility as they only provide service and depend on another company for software. It's always better to buy product from a company those in charge of the WHOLE product they sell.