Usually most of us know about online security but, either those knowledge are not sufficient or not implemented and that's the reason why we get caught by malicious tools or by notorious hackers. Here, I'm going to share some basic security tips which can make your online life more secure.
1. Use Cloud OS: If you use broadband then it is always a best idea to use cloud OS when you only want to surf the internet and want to update your social profile. Dial-up user may not find this tool handy due to their internet speed.
2. Antivirus: You already know it right! You must have at least one good antivirus before going online. I recommend you Avast Home Edition and Microsoft Security Essential, both are very good in their business.
3. Firewall: It protect you from hacker as it mask your system with protection shield which is hard to break however not impossible. Online Armor is a good firewall utility you can use.
4. WOT: It's a browser addon which shows you a website rating in term of security. This help you to know, which website you should visit and which are not.
5. Trusteer: This site tell you is that site which you willing to visit targeted by malware or not.
6. LinkScanner: This is another online tool that's help you to scan site which you want to visit and so the report if that site have any malicious code or not.
7. Use Proxy: Proxy is a good way to hide your original ip from hacker. It's not completely protected process but definitely increase your security shield strength. You can find good amout of free proxy site name on Free Proxy Site.
8. Avoid Pirated Content: Avoid using warez, dll, torrent in site domain and search term. Don't try to download paid software for free. It's illegal and also most of the time those free download contain malware. If you spend little more time on search engine you will definitely able to find a free alternative.
9. Never ever share personal data and bank details online. Always remember, whatever you share online can be use against you in future.
All this are basic advice which strengthen your security shield. Only a security concern people can secure themselves more improve way than other. Stay secured!
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