Having a car is always wonderful if you not effected by recession. A car show standarity and sometime authority of yours but buying something over internet always have a reason to worry about. According to FBI record 1,095,769 car was stolen in 2007 and there is a silent buzz that some of those stolen cars usually sell over internet. So, you have to be careful before buying.

The cheaper rate of used car over internet always delicious but that delicious test most of the time end with bitter. Here is some basic guideline, you better follow to safely buy a used car over internet.

1. Cheaper rate is always have a reason to fool you, you have to be careful when buying something which is way to low than usual market price.

2. It's always good to know the market price from dealer before buying the same product over internet.

3. Check the vehicle identification number(VIN) to see if it corresponds with the vehicle papers if not then there is a high chance that the car is stolen one.

4. Check the history record of services to better understand the product and avoid scam. Don't forget to checkout if that vehicle get serviced from registered dealer or not.

5. Don't buy the car instantly, always try to check it out before buying. Request the online seller for real view of that vehicle.

6. Always remember don't share sensitive and personal data over internet.

There is always another better way to be smart when buying and these are some basic point you have to note along with other advice.

Be safe and be scam free!